Improve my health, fitness and mental wellbeing
Keep your body and mind happy and healthy with mental health support, activity classes and our complementary health clinic.
Going home project
Being at home is often the best place for most people to recover, but lots of people have concerns about how they will manage when leaving hospital. The Going Home service supports people before they leave hospital and when they get home. Our partner organisation Age UK provides the support in hospital while our Wellspring Settlement Going Home Link Workers help you when you are back at home so you feel more independent and your wellbeing improves. They can:
• connect you with local community organisations and agencies that can help
• direct you towards opportunities to meet people and socialise
• help you overcome any obstacles and challenges so you can recover well and get back to doing the things you enjoy.
Referrals for this service are received through hospital-based Link Workers. This project is funded the NHS and is delivered in partnership with Age UK Bristol.
Social prescribing
A free and confidential service for local residents that are registered at Broadmead Medical Centre, Charlotte Keel Medical Practice, East Trees Surgery, Homeless Health, Lawrence Hill Health Centre, Montpelier Health Centre or Wellspring GP surgeries (BIC Primary Care Network).
Speak to your GP or healthcare advisor, or complete a referral form online and we’ll provide guidance and direction to access services and activities in your area.
MusculoSkeletal Clinic
A GP referral only service to a range of physical therapies funded by the NHS. We offer Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy at our Wellspring Site, Beam Street, giving you a choice of services in local, easy-to-access facilities with reduced waiting times.
The service is accessible for anyone that has a Musculoskeletal condition or injury that has occurred between four weeks and twelve months ago, and has seen no improvement in pain.
Community Garden
Our allotment garden in St George is a green space for local residents to use as their own and enjoy throughout the year. There is no membership, no cost and you don’t have to commit to anything, just come along when you feel like it. We meet regularly every week, stop for tea from time to time and share a picnic lunch, and at the end of the day we share out whatever harvest is ready to take home. We welcome volunteers of all ages.
low cost counselling
We offer a comfortable, confidential environment for you to explore your thoughts and feelings – with qualified and accredited therapists supporting you through the entire process.
Costs range from £15 for those on who are unemployed and in receipt of benefits, up to £40 for those who can afford it. The exact cost will be agreed between you and your counsellor. Patients who are funded by external organisations, such as mental health trusts, are charged the full rate.
To make an appointment contact our Wellspring Site reception and we will pass on your details to a counsellor, who will then contact you.
Community Complementary Clinic
Complementary therapies with a reduced cost available for local residents
Auricular Acupuncture with Barney
Appointments available every other Tuesday between 10am and midday, and every Wednesday between 6 and 8pm at the Wellspring Site, Beam Street. Please call Reception to book.
Bowen Therapy with Stella
Appointments are available on Wednesdays from 9am to midday at the Wellspring Site, Beam Street. Please call Reception to book.
Reiki with Francesca
Appointments are available on Mondays from 4.30 to 6.30pm at the Wellspring Site, Beam Street. Please call Reception to book.
Massage with Anne
Appointments are available on Wednesdays between 1.15 and 4.45pm at the Wellspring Site, Beam Street. Please call Reception to book.
Ramblers Wellbeing Walks (formerly walking for health)
FREE weekly led walks of up to 3 miles in and around Bristol. No need to book, but if you are interested in attending please contact John so we can assess how many walk leaders may be needed. Download the latest walk programme here.
Before your first walk you will be asked to complete a short health questionnaire so please turn up ten minutes early and introduce yourself to the walk leader. Alternatively you can print off and fill in the Walker Registration Form and bring it along to your first walk.