Make my community better
If you are passionate about your neighbourhood, explore how you could make a change.
Community participation
We want to encourage community inclusion so that all people, from every walk of life, in Barton Hill and the surrounding areas have opportunities to work together to participate and influence their community through increasing their capacity and confidence.
If this is something that matters to you and you would like to be involved, contact us to discuss your ideas.
Are you looking to support your local community and the people of Lawrence Hill, Barton Hill and Easton by giving something back to them? Then please talk to us at Wellspring Settlement about the many and varied volunteering opportunities we have based in our centres. You could help support our BOOST team of advisers or meet the community by supporting our food club on a Wednesday.
It doesn’t matter how much or how little time you can offer, we will work around your needs as much as possible, and we offer access to free in-depth training to help get you started and to keep you up-to-date with any changes and new developments.
Our allotment garden in St George is a green space for local residents to use as their own and enjoy throughout the year. There is no membership, no cost and you don’t have to commit to anything, just come along when you feel like it. We meet regularly every week, stop for tea from time to time and share a picnic lunch, and at the end of the day we share out whatever harvest is ready to take home. We welcome volunteers of all ages.