Statement to the community about the recent fire and hate crime incident

Somali Resource Centre, St Luke’s Church, and Tawfiq Mosque and Wellspring Settlement stand with the local community and we offer residents our full support following both the recent fire at Ecclestone House, and hate crime incident.

As community organisations we are here for all residents who have been directly affected, and anyone who has concerns about their housing situation or tensions within the community. Together we have formed a group so we can share our resources to support local people as best we can.

As a group, we will be holding a meeting in the main hall, Welslpring Settlement’s Ducie Road site on November 17th at 4pm for residents of Ecclestone House, and we will continue to have conversations with the community to assess people’s worries relating to their housing.

We are aware that pushing for these much needed changes to housing will not be a quick process and we would like to reassure the community that we are fully committed to standing by you however long this takes. Part of our role will be to ensure that the voices within our community are heard by decision makers, and we will do our best to hold Bristol City Council to account and make sure they deliver on the actions they have set out.

We were pleased to see the recent update from the council saying that round the clock fire patrols are now in place at Ashmead House, Barton House, Beaufort House, Eccleston House, Harwood House, Longland House, and Croydon House. Patrols will be in place in other blocks across the city over the next few weeks. BCC have also promised that they will arrange residents’ meetings with in blocks in the coming months to talk about fire safety and any other concerns.

If you have any feedback about the fire patrols where you live, or if you would like to talk to us about your concerns, or need further help, please get in touch:

  • You can also come along to one of the Eatwell café sessions at Wellspring Settlement’s Ducie Road site to talk to a Community Engagement Worker, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11am to 1.30pm. You can also email us, or come in to reception at any time and ask to speak to a member of staff.