Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities Information and Registration Day
Parenting can be TOUGH at times!
Being a parent can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. However, being a parent can also be a stressful experience, particularly when we find we are having to deal with the challenges of every day living: managing money; supporting our children’s education, bringing up our children in unsafe surroundings; and ensuring that they get a fair chance to achieve their ambitions.
Come along to our Drop in Session and find out how you can Grow your Parenting Skills! Get support to register your place on the next course, starting on April 25th. Kids are welcome, but there is no creche for this session. There will be a visit to the site and information about the course from 10.00pm to 12.00pm, and a free lunch from 12.00 to 1.00pm.
There’s no need to book, you can just turn up on the day. For more information email Sally Williams or Paul Hamnet , or call 0117 955 6971